KAUI, Hawaii

Taro Ko Chip            
Great Freshly made Taro Chips.  Located on the first bend as you enter the town of Hanepepe on the way to Waimea Valley. 3940 Hanapepe Road (808) 335-5586

Hamura’s Saimin Stand
The most local bowl of saimin (noodle soup) that you can have in Hawaii. Also has great shaved ice for desert. Located in the town of Lihu’e. 2956 Kress Street (off of Rice Street). (808) 245-3271

Opakapaka and Onaga
Will not be available May 1 to September 30 due to a fishing ban on these fishes. Great tender snapper fish. A Dr. Lum Favorite!

Island Art Gallery                            

Great Hawaiian prints and art work. 3814 Hanapepe Road.

Beach Time                                       
Best time of the day to swim in the ocean is in the early morning. Later in the day the surf and waves tend to pick up. Also important for snorkeling trips and other water activities. Swim shirts can help to protect your skin. Available at Long’s Drugs.

Best time of year                              
May/September/October. Good weather lower rates. Aloha Week festival in September. With kids early June.
List of Free local activities. Listing for all islands.

Look under entertainment for weekend special events.

Official Hawaii Visitors Bureau web site.

List of a ton of Hawaii Web sites.

Has pictures of some of the top spots and quick reviews.

Best local restaurant reviews.

Have a wonderful trip. Please share our tips with your friends and family. Thank you for telling your friends and family about our office we greatly appreciate referrals. Tip sheets for Disneyland, New York City, Las Vegas, Italy, Spain, London, Paris, Washington D.C., Seattle, Puerto Vallarta Mexico, Monterey Bay, Big Island of HI, Maui, San Francisco Bay Area, Bay Area Restaurants are also available online at www.LumOptometry.com under patient forms. This sheet and updated information in on-line.

Randall T. Lum, O.D.         (650) 589-7198                More Tips online @ www.LumOptometry.com

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